What are Actions?

Actions are discrete tasks that your AI agent can perform. They are:

  • Type-safe and predictable
  • State-aware through context
  • Dependency-aware
  • Reusable across agents

Creating Actions

Use the createAction helper to define actions:

import { createAction } from "spinai";

export const getCustomerInfo = createAction({
  id: "getCustomerInfo",
  description: "Retrieves customer profile information",
  dependsOn: [], // Optional dependencies
  retries: 2, // Optional retry count
  async run(context) {
    // Your action logic here
    context.state.customer = await fetchCustomer();
    return context;

Action Configuration

interface ActionConfig {
  id: string; // Unique identifier
  description: string; // Used by LLM to decide when to use this action
  dependsOn?: string[]; // IDs of actions that must run first
  retries?: number; // Number of retry attempts (default: 2)
  run: (context: SpinAiContext) => Promise<SpinAiContext>;

Context and State

Actions receive and modify state through context:

interface SpinAiContext {
  input: string; // Original user input
  state: Record<string, any>; // Shared state between actions

Example using context:

const createTicket = createAction({
  id: "createTicket",
  description: "Creates a support ticket",
  dependsOn: ["getCustomerInfo"], // Runs after getCustomerInfo
  async run(context) {
    // Access previous action's results
    const { customer } = context.state;

    // Add new data to state
    context.state.ticket = {
      customerId: customer.id,
      description: context.input,
      priority: "high",

    return context;


Actions can depend on other actions:

// Actions will run in the correct order
dependsOn: ["validatePayment", "checkInventory"];

SpinAI automatically:

  • Resolves dependency order
  • Ensures prerequisites run first
  • Prevents circular dependencies
  • Handles parallel execution when possible

Best Practices

  1. Single Responsibility Each action should do one thing well:

    // Do one thing well
    id: "validateEmail",
    description: "Validates an email address"
  2. Clear Descriptions Help the LLM understand when to use your action:

    // Good
    description: "Fetches current weather conditions for a given location";
    // Bad
    description: "Gets weather";
  3. State Management Use clear state keys and types:

    interface CustomerState {
      id: string;
      name: string;
      tier: "basic" | "premium";
  4. Error Handling Use the retry system for unreliable operations:

    // Retry unreliable operations
    retries: 3;

Next Steps