In this guide, we’ll create a simple GitHub assistant that can help manage repositories using MCP actions. You’ll learn how to:

  • Set up a SpinAI project with MCP integration
  • Configure GitHub actions through MCP
  • Create an agent that can interact with GitHub’s API
  • Test your agent with a basic repository creation task

Getting Started

1. Create a New SpinAI Project

npx create-spinai

When prompted, select the default template. This will set up a basic SpinAI project structure for us to build upon.

💡 Quick Start: If you want to skip the manual setup, you can select the GitHub MCP Agent template instead of the default template. This will automatically configure everything we’ll cover in steps 1-5, and you can jump straight to running the agent (don’t forget to setup your environment variables, though!).

2. Set Up Environment Variables

Create a .env file in your project root and add the following variables:


You’ll need:

  1. An OpenAI API key for running the agent. We’re using OpenAI’s model in this example, but you can swap it for any model supported by Vercel’s AI SDK.

  2. A GitHub personal access token. To create one:

    • Go to GitHub’s Developer Settings
    • Click “Generate new token (classic)”
    • Give your token a descriptive name (e.g., “SpinAI GitHub Assistant”)
    • Select only the permissions you’re comfortable with. For this example, you’ll need:
      • repo access to create and manage repositories
      • read:user for basic profile information
    • Copy the generated token (you won’t be able to see it again!)
    • Paste it into your .env file as the GITHUB_TOKEN value

⚠️ Security Note: Never commit your .env file to version control. It should belisted in your .gitignore, but in case it’s not, make sure it is.

3. Set Up MCP Configuration

You’ll need to create an MCP configuration file to specify which MCP actions you want to use. There are two ways to do this:

The easiest way is to use our CLI tool:

npx spinai-mcp install @smithery-ai/github --provider smithery --config "{\"githubPersonalAccessToken\":\"move_my_token_to_a_dot_env_after\"}"

This command will automatically create or update your mcp-config.ts file with the GitHub MCP configuration.

NOTE: It’s highly recommended to keep your GITHUB_TOKEN in your .env and either import it in your mcp-config.ts, or in the next step.

4. Set Up the Agent

Now we’ll set up our agent to use the MCP actions. Open your src/index.ts file and replace the boilerplate code with:

import { createAgent, createActionsFromMcpConfig } from "spinai";
import { openai } from "@ai-sdk/openai";
import * as dotenv from "dotenv";
// @ts-ignore
import mcpConfig from "../mcp-config.ts";


async function main() {
  // Create actions from MCP configuration
  console.log("Setting up MCP actions...");
  const mcpActions = await createActionsFromMcpConfig({
    config: mcpConfig,
    // if you didn't include your GITHUB_TOKEN in your mcp-config.ts
    envMapping: {
      githubPersonalAccessToken: process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN,
    // If there are any actions you would like to exclude. A full list of actions can be found at
    excludedActions: ["smithery_ai_github_get_issue"],

  const agent = createAgent({
    instructions: `You are a GitHub assistant that can help with repository management.
    Use the available GitHub actions to help users with their requests.`,
    actions: [...mcpActions],
    model: openai("gpt-4o"),

  // Run the agent with a test command
  const { response } = await agent({
    input: "Create a github repo called 'GlubGlub' please",

  console.log("Response:", response);


Let’s break down what’s happening:

  1. We import the necessary functions from SpinAI and the OpenAI model from AI SDK
  2. createActionsFromMcpConfig translates our MCP configuration into SpinAI actions
  3. We create an agent with those actions and instructions about its purpose
  4. Finally, we run the agent with a test command to create a repository

5. Run the Agent

Now you can run your agent:

npm run dev

You can modify the input in your code to make the agent perform different GitHub tasks. For example:

// Create a new repository
input: "Create a github repo called 'GlubGlub' please";

// Create an issue in an existing repository
input: "Create an issue in my repository about adding documentation";

// Search for repositories
input: "Find repositories related to machine learning";

The agent will use the appropriate GitHub MCP actions based on your requests.

Optional Next Steps

6. Deploy as an API Endpoint

If you want to use your GitHub assistant as a workflow endpoint, you can wrap it in a web server. Here’s a quick example using Hono:

import { Hono } from "hono";
import { createAgent, createActionsFromMcpConfig } from "spinai";
import { openai } from "@ai-sdk/openai";
import mcpConfig from "./mcp-config.ts";
// your dotenv config and other stuff here

const app = new Hono();
const mcpActions = await createActionsFromMcpConfig(mcpConfig);

const agent = createAgent({
  instructions: `You are a GitHub assistant that can help with repository management.
  Use the available GitHub actions to help users with their requests.`,
  actions: [...mcpActions],
  model: openai("gpt-4o"),
});"/github-assistant", async (c) => {
  const { input } = await c.req.tson();
  const { response } = await agent({ input });
  return c.tson({ response });

export default app;

7. Create an Interactive Chat Loop

For a more interactive experience, you can create a chat loop that maintains conversation history:

import { createAgent, createActionsFromMcpConfig } from "spinai";
import * as dotenv from "dotenv";
import { openai } from "@ai-sdk/openai";
import * as readline from "readline";
// @ts-ignore
import mcpConfig from "../mcp-config.ts";


const rl = readline.createInterface({
  input: process.stdin,
  output: process.stdout,

async function chat() {
  console.log("Setting up...");
  const mcpActions = await createActionsFromMcpConfig(mcpConfig);
  console.log("\n🤖 Ready! Type your message (or 'exit' to quit)\n");

  const agent = createAgent({
    instructions: `You are a GitHub assistant that can help with repository management.
    Use the available GitHub actions to help users with their requests.`,
    actions: [...mcpActions],
    model: openai("gpt-4o-mini"),

  let messageHistory: any[] = [];

  function getInput() {
    rl.question("> ", async (input) => {
      if (input.toLowerCase() === "exit") {

      try {
        const { messages, response } = await agent({
          messages: messageHistory,

        // Update message history
        messageHistory = messages;

        // Show any tool calls
        const toolCalls = messages.filter((m) => m.role === "tool");
        if (toolCalls.length > 0) {
          toolCalls.forEach((call) => {

        console.log(`Assistant: ${response}\n`);
      } catch (error) {
        console.error("\nError:", error, "\n");




// Handle clean exit
rl.on("close", () => {

This creates an interactive CLI where you can have ongoing conversations with your GitHub assistant while maintaining context.

8. Add a UI (Coming Soon!)

Want to turn your GitHub assistant into a full-fledged chat application with a beautiful UI? We’re working on making this seamless with a one-line integration. Stay tuned for updates!

In the meantime, you can build your own UI using your preferred frontend framework and connect it to either the API endpoint from step 7 or adapt the chat logic from step 8.